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Issue No. 9 | April 2020


Hailing the Community


The best teams weather adversity together, coming through unexpected circumstances stronger and closer than ever before. This was true for Healdsburg and the entire Sonoma County community during the wildfires. It is true again now, during this current and unpredictable Coronavirus crisis.

We here at Mill District have been amazed at how quickly and definitively leaders in our community have responded to crises with kindness, communication, and by lifting each other up. Without question, these local responses have saved countless lives.

Just look at what’s transpired in the last few weeks. Local leaders are acting swiftly and decisively in a variety of areas. On the county and city levels, elected officials have moved meetings online and are bending over backward to work with businesses and help them through the tumult. Businesses themselves have improvised as well, firing up options for e-commerce, delivery, take-out, and remote access. Businesses are helping each other—teaming up to cross-promote products and services whenever possible.

First responders — doctors, nurses, EMTs, police officers, firefighters, and others — are working overtime to keep us safe, doubling- and tripling-up on work shifts to make sure everyone in the community gets the attention they need to be healthy. Locals have responded to this effort with an outpouring of gratitude; one day earlier this month, Healdsburg residents formed a car parade to drive by the hospital and thank the heroes who work inside.

Perhaps most important, philanthropy is everywhere, as the more fortunate members of the community are giving back to the less fortunate in the form of time, money and resources.

David Hagele, former Healdsburg Mayor and current City Council member said it best recently when he noted, “What I love most about this community is how we look out for each other in times of crisis.”

We couldn’t agree more. At Mill District, we are inspired every day by the generosity, empathy, and perseverance of our friends and neighbors in Healdsburg and the surrounding area. We are delighted to be setting down roots in this community. We are proud that this is where we’re from. As we grow, we will continue to amplify good work on our social media channels and support our fellow local businesses in every way possible.

The way we see it, we’re in this together, and the only way we’ll get through it is as a team.

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